
Bucharest, Romania - The Real "Paris of the East"

Bucharest, Romania - The Real "Paris of the East"

Bucharest was the last place on our itinerary in Romania, before heading more east - to the mysterious and least visited capital in Europe - Chisinau (soon I'll write a post about it). Unfortunately, this time we didn't have a chance to make it to the Romania's Black Sea coast resort city - Constanta.

After visiting somehow fairy tale-like scenery and medieval towns of Transylvania, Bucharest seemed a lot different. More rough, grey and heavy. Hundreds of concrete blocks everywhere, landscape filled with brutalist architecture. But there is one place in Bucharest that lets you escape the gloomy, communist atmosphere - the Old Town. Many cities have been called the "Paris of the East" - Warsaw, Beirut or Budapest. However, Bucharest Old Town is the one that truly resembles the French capital the most, in my opinion.