Panama City

What to see in Panama City, Panama - Contrast Between Old and New

What to see in Panama City, Panama - Contrast Between Old and New

Typing "Panama City" in an image search engine will give you multiple results showing extremely modern and attractive skyline filled with a forest of impressive skyscrapers. Indeed, Panama City has the largest number of skyscrapers in Latin America and the view over the horizon is spectacular without a doubt. However, looking more deeply, the city is not as perfect. Often, the sidewalks between the glass high-rise buildings are damaged and some wires and other objects protrude directly from the ground. The pollution is another issue.

Nevertheless, Panama City is an interesting capital to visit, unlike some other cities in the region - such as San Jose in Costa Rica (take a look at my post about San Jose). Not many people know that Panama City, apart from the skyscrapers, also has a historical district called Casco Viejo which is an equivalent of an "Old Town". The architecture here is beautiful, very colorful and more and more buildings are renovated in a hope of bringing more life and tourists into this forgotten former heart of the city.